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Automation Expo Connect 2021 – Reimagining the Manufacturing Landscape

Published on : 16 August 2021

Automation Expo Connect continues the two decades of rich legacy of the Automation Expo Series of events organised by IED Communications.

Automation Expo Connect 

Mumbai, August 14, 2021 – With the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic ruling out the holding of live, in-person exhibitions, the hugely popular Automation Expo is going digital for the 2021 edition. Automation Expo Connect will be held as a Virtual Event from 22nd to 25th September 2021, eliminating any physical contact and hence the risk of infection amidst the widely anticipated third of the deadly virus in its more threatening Delta variant.

Automation Expo Connect is replicating all the features of the highly successful Automation Expo series in the virtual format, bringing together top vendors of cutting edge technologies to reach their target audience in the comforts of their homes and offices. The digital format of the show will enable more live sessions, meeting possibilities, and better person-to-person networking. The virtual expo will showcase the latest technologies through presentations and live interactions by vendors from around the world.

A new wave of digitalisation is sweeping across the world in the wake of the pandemic that caused an unprecedented lockdown forcing all but essential services to shut down in the initial days, which ushered in the 'Work from Home' culture in jobs that did not need physical presence on site. Companies that were ahead on the digital transformation curve were in a much better position in these changed circumstances, and the laggards were forced to adapt quickly, generating a demand for products, technologies and integrators.

"The Virtual Edition – Automation Expo Connect – will provide the biggest Automation platform for manufacturing and process automation enterprises a wide range of solutions from the entire global manufacturing fraternity on a common platform for knowledge sharing and business transactions over four days," says Dr M Arokiaswamy, Managing Director, IED Communications and the visionary founder of this iconic event.

"With the rapid evolution of Automation technologies in the IIoT era, and global concerns over environmental degradation, the demand for technology solutions is growing with each passing day. Automation is key ingredient for sustainable development with effective solutions for energy efficiency, improved productivity and optimised use of precious resources. Digital technologies are thus helping individuals, organisations and nations achieve sustainable development goals. Automation for a better tomorrow is the goal," he adds.

Automation Expo Connect is organised in 3 broad sections – Factory Automation, Process Automation and Industrie 4.0 – making it convenient for visitors to concentrate on their area of focus. For those enterprises straddling these two divisions, navigation back and forth is easy and hassle free, at the click of the mouse.

The best part of Automation Expo Connect is that like its physical predecessor events, this virtual expo also brings alive all the concurrent events held during the show. The Concurrent Events programme includes: Panel Discussions, IIoT Conference, Cybersecurity Conference, Factory Automation Conclave, Industrie 4.0 Presentations, and Tech Presentation (8 sessions every day). The platform also has interactive features of audio call, and video call & chat. Apart from all this, visitors as they register and attend shall win points based on visits to stalls and attendance at various concurrent sessions, and get rewarded based on their score.

For more information and registration, please visit or email 99204 89667, 98200 93667.

Source - Industrial Automation Magazine