+91 9911104090

Energy Management

“Optimize utilities and energy supply to minimize variability and provide reliable supply at the lowest cost and within environmental limits” IndAXonline’s helps manufacturers make the most of their WAGES resources through a holistic approach to control and information-driven plant wide energy optimization, leading to lower production costs and optimal profits.
Manufacturers need to look at individual, energy-intensive processes within their facilities to truly control energy costs for the facility as a whole. As a leader in automation technology, IndAXonline can help manufacturers view resource consumption in relation to specific units, lines and machines.

This modular, “inside-out” approach enables manufacturers to better understand the impact of these processes on consumption and also assist’s in understanding how to make changes to manage energy consumption in a way that optimizes overall consumption, economics and emissions. Manufacturers can visualize, control and optimize the plant utility usage via using the same type of control system that can automate the facilities today.

Solution Outline:
Includes the Control and Monitoring of the following systems:

  • Process Steam distribution
  • Chilled water system
  • Condenser Water System
  • Process Cooling Water systems
  • HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems
  • Exhaust systems
  • Compressed air systems (OFA).
  • Process Vacuum Systems
  • Water Supply Systems
  • Effluent Control Systems

Values of Energy Management Solution from IndAXonline:

  • More than collecting, storing and reporting on energy data
  • Minimize energy cost per unit of product produced.
  • Accommodate production variability with an efficient supply of utilities and energy.
  • Optimize generation at the lowest cost of supply.

IndAXonline’s Energy Management Solutions team has the products, services and application knowledge to design &implement different types of systems in different facilities across different industries